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這篇文章的制作是關(guān)于在科幻世界中創(chuàng)造一個(gè)人物; 我將使用Photoshop作為創(chuàng)建這個(gè)作品的主要工具。 利用我在過(guò)去幾年學(xué)習(xí)中學(xué)到的技術(shù),例如使用照片紋理和參考資料來(lái)加強(qiáng)我的人物性格,同時(shí)在我設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)角色時(shí)也展示了我的每個(gè)部分的過(guò)程。

This making of article is about creating a character based in a sci-fi world; I will be using Photoshop as the main tool to create this piece. Making use of techniques that I learned in the last years of my studies, such as using photo-textures and references to fuel my character and making him believable, also showing each part of my process when I design a character.

Step 1: Research of references

This is a very obvious step to start the process but I mention it because it serves as the basis the final design of your character. While you are doing research you should be thinking of how you want the character to look, you might change your mind as you process through the stages but it is good to keep a mood board of all you initial ideas. When I am looking for references and ideas I like to choose interesting to shapes and colors that I can use for accessories etc.


這是開(kāi)始這個(gè)過(guò)程非常重要的一步,我提到它,因?yàn)樗悄巧淖罱K設(shè)計(jì)的基礎(chǔ)。 當(dāng)你在做研究時(shí),你應(yīng)該考慮你想要的角色,當(dāng)你通過(guò)看過(guò)參考之后,你可能會(huì)改變主意,但是保持所有你的初步想法是很好的。 當(dāng)我尋找參考和想法,我喜歡選擇有趣的形狀和顏色,我可以用于配件等。

Step 2: Personality of the character

This is something I recommend doing before creating any character. Just like any character you might see in movies or games yours needs to have an interesting feel or personality that is part of the design, as if the character was part of a larger story. This will help the viewer to relate to the character and buy in to the narrative. I like to look at existing characters that have a similar feel to what I have planned, in this case I am going for a dark, brooding look.


這是我建議在創(chuàng)建任何角色之前做的。 就像您在電影或游戲中可能看到的任何角色一樣,您需要有一個(gè)有趣的感覺(jué)或個(gè)性,這是設(shè)計(jì)的一部分,就好像角色是一個(gè)更大的故事的一部分。 這將有助于觀眾與角色相關(guān)聯(lián)。 我喜歡看看與我計(jì)劃相似感覺(jué)的現(xiàn)有角色,在這種情況下,我要做一個(gè)黑暗,沉思的樣子。

Step 3: First round of thumbnails

In Photoshop I start the process by making thumbnails; I try to have fun playing with different shapes so that I end up with a nice graphic outline of the character and I don't pay too much attention to the details. I am more concerned with the global design and finding a value harmony than anything else in this step. I then choose two thumbnails that I like most and think will be the best fit for the character.


在Photoshop中,我通過(guò)縮略圖開(kāi)始進(jìn)程,我嘗試不同形狀,所以我最終得到一個(gè)很好的圖形輪廓的角色,我不太注意細(xì)節(jié)。 我更關(guān)心整體設(shè)計(jì)。 然后我選擇我最喜歡的最適合人物的兩個(gè)縮略圖。

Step 4: Focused round of thumbnails

For me the sketching phase is really fun and this is why I like to do a whole bunch of sketches. I used the two thumbnails from the previous step and created another batch based on those as reference. Although, at this stage I have already chosen the one that I will take to the final stage of the design (number two), sometimes the silhouette of that sketch is not the best one for what I want; so I take advantage of all the shapes that the thumbnails have to solve that problem and find the best silhouette.


對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō),草圖階段真的很有趣,這就是為什么我喜歡做一大堆草圖。 我使用上一步中的兩個(gè)縮略圖,并基于這些作為參考創(chuàng)建了另一個(gè)批處理。 雖然在這個(gè)階段我已經(jīng)選擇了我將要進(jìn)入設(shè)計(jì)的最后階段(第二),有時(shí)候,這個(gè)素描的剪影不是我想要的最好的一個(gè); 所以我利用縮略圖解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題的所有形狀,找到最好的剪影。

Step 5: Choosing a pose

Designing of the pose is a very important part of the process because this is what informs the viewer of the characters attitude and personality; this is one of the reasons I took the time to research different looks in the second step. For this character I have chosen a very simple pose that I think fits the dark, brooding personality I want the character to have. It is important that you take time to make sure all your proportions are correct, you don't want to have a great pose and design, but the anatomy brings the whole character down.


設(shè)計(jì)姿勢(shì)是過(guò)程中非常重要的一部分,因?yàn)檫@是向觀眾展示角色的態(tài)度和個(gè)性; 這是我第二步花時(shí)間研究不同外觀的原因之一。 對(duì)于這個(gè)角色,我選擇了一個(gè)非常簡(jiǎn)單的姿勢(shì),我認(rèn)為適合我想要的角色的黑暗,沉思的個(gè)性。 重要的是,您需要時(shí)間確保所有比例都正確。

Step 6: Coloring and designing shapes

Having chosen the pose it is time for me to define the color palette using my color board references; then I start adding different photo-textures on a clipping mask on top of the character. This way I can match the color of each texture with my palette and harmonize the overall color scheme. I also make use of the textures to design new shapes and work on the silhouette of the whole character.


選擇了這個(gè)姿勢(shì),現(xiàn)在是我使用我的色板參考來(lái)定義調(diào)色板的時(shí)候了, 然后我開(kāi)始在角色頂部的剪貼蒙版上添加不同的照片紋理。 這樣,我可以將每個(gè)紋理的顏色與調(diào)色板相匹配,并協(xié)調(diào)整體配色方案。 我還利用紋理來(lái)設(shè)計(jì)新的形狀,并對(duì)整個(gè)人物的輪廓進(jìn)行工作。

Step 7: Rendering and polishing shapes

In this step I am just keep having fun rendering materials and polishing the shapes of the overall character. I make sure that the graphic reading of the design is very clear, using brushes that will help me achieve what I want the character's final look to be. Try to push as far as you would like to see your character without worrying about time limits; you are the creator so you can decide when you think the piece is done, with practice you will get to know when you have reached this point. I repeat all the above steps to create the back view of my character, it is important to think of your character from all angles.


在這一步中,我只是繼續(xù)使用渲染材料和拋光整體角色的形狀。 我確保設(shè)計(jì)的圖形閱讀非常清楚,使用畫(huà)筆可以幫助我實(shí)現(xiàn)我想要的角色的最終目標(biāo)。 盡量推動(dòng)你想要看到人物性格,而不用擔(dān)心時(shí)間限制; 你是創(chuàng)造者,所以你可以決定什么時(shí)候你認(rèn)為這件作品是完成的。 我重復(fù)上述所有步驟來(lái)創(chuàng)建我的角色的后視圖,重要的是要從各個(gè)角度思考你的角色。

Step 8: Overall final touches

Here I make sure everything is how I want it to be and I re-check the overall feeling to the finished character. I start applying lights, shadows, and other effects using the Blending modes in Photoshop ? these include Overlay, Color Dodge, and Multiply modes; they will help to push the final render and give it nicer finish and overall look for the viewer to enjoy. With those final touches done the character is complete. Thanks for reading; I hope you have found this insightful!


在這里,我確保一切都是我想要的,我重新檢查完成的角色的整體感覺(jué)。 我在Photoshop中使用混合模式開(kāi)始應(yīng)用燈光,陰影和其他效果。 這些包括Overlay,Color Dodge和Multiply模式; 他們將幫助推動(dòng)最終的渲染,并給予更好的完成和整體看待觀眾享受。 隨著這些最后的觸動(dòng)完成了人物的完成。 謝謝閱讀!

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