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使用iClone 3D與HitFilm VFX場景制作

Krakatoa粒子 觀看預(yù)覽





HitFilm為電影提供了豐富的效果。 將來自iClone的素材與HitFilm中的素材相結(jié)合,可以提升效果,顏色分級等多種渲染素材。 HitFilm和iClone為視頻退伍軍人或首次電影制作人員提供可以以最少并發(fā)癥完成各種令人滿意的鏡頭的工具。

iClone是一款用于創(chuàng)建動畫電影的3D軟件,但有時候您還需要添加一些額外的效果,才能真正將場景帶入生活。 幸運的是,HitFilm讓我很容易,我在這里向你展示如何使用。


HitFilm provides a wealth of masterable effects for films. Combining footage from iClone with editing in HitFilm can enhance a rendered clip with excellent effects, color grading and more. HitFilm and iClone enable video veterans or first-time filmmakers with tools that can accomplish a variety of satisfying shots with minimal complications.

iClone is a great piece of 3D software for creating animated films, but there are times when you'll want to add some additional effects to really bring your scenes to life. Fortunately, HitFilm makes that easy and I'm here to show you how.

We're going to be talking about how HitFilm was used to add some force lightning effects into a key scene in upcoming fan film, Star Wars Imperials.

Step 1: Planning your effects

Before we begin with HitFilm, we want to take a good look at the scene in iClone and ask ourselves, what can we do here that will make the effect look better and more believable. Since the effect we'll be adding is lightning, we'll want to light up the surrounding characters and objects. We'll achieve this by placing spotlights near the source character, a point light above the scene, and attaching another spot light to the target character.


在我們開始使用HitFilm之前,我們想看看iClone中的場景,并問自己,我們在這里可以做些什么,使效果看起來更好,更可信。 由于我們添加的效果是閃電,我們想要點亮周圍的人物和物體。 我們將通過將射燈放置在源字符附近,場景上方的點光,并將另一個聚光燈附加到目標角色來實現(xiàn)。

It only took a few minutes to add and position these lights, but that was time well spent as it will make a huge difference when we add the lightning. While not every effect is going to light up your scene, it's worth thinking about how else it might have an impact, and seeing what you can do in iClone to make it look more convincing.

這些燈只需要幾分鐘的時間才能添加和定位,但是花費的時間很長,因為在添加閃電時會產(chǎn)生巨大的變化。 雖然并不是每一個效果都會使您的場景變得光亮,但值得考慮的是它可能會有什么影響,并且看到您可以在iClone中做些什么來使其看起來更有說服力。

Step 2: Import your footage

Once you've completed your scene, you'll need to import it into HitFilm. Create a new project in HitFilm and from the media tab, click the import button. From here, select your video file and click open. Finally, drag your footage onto the timeline.


完成場景后,您需要將其導(dǎo)入到HitFilm中。 在HitFilm中創(chuàng)建一個新項目,并從媒體選項卡中單擊導(dǎo)入按鈕。 從這里,選擇您的視頻文件,然后單擊打開。 最后,將您的素材拖到時間軸上。

Now that you've got your footage ready, the next step is to go through and break it up into smaller clips. You can use the slice tool for this and ideally you want a cut every time the camera cuts to another angle.

現(xiàn)在你已經(jīng)準備好了你的素材,接下來的步驟是將其分解成更小的片段。 您可以使用切片工具,理想情況下,每次相機切割到另一個角度時,都需要切割。

When that's done, select the first clip and click on "Make Composite Clip". This creates a mini project for just the chosen clip, and it's here we will add the effects we want.

完成后,選擇第一個剪輯并單擊“制作復(fù)合剪輯”。 這將為所選剪輯創(chuàng)建一個迷你項目,在這里我們將添加我們想要的效果。

Step 3: Motion Tracking

While you could begin with playing your effects right away, there's a very useful tool that will save you a huge amount of time, it's called motion tracking. This allows you to highlight a certain part of the frame, such as an object, and HitFilm can track how it moves through your video clip. We'll be using it to track the hands of the character casting the lightning effect.


雖然你可以立即開始玩你的效果,但是有一個非常有用的工具可以節(jié)省大量的時間,這就是所謂的運動跟蹤。 這允許您突出顯示框架的某一部分,例如對象,HitFilm可以跟蹤它如何在視頻剪輯中移動。 我們將使用它來跟蹤閃電效果的角色的手。

elect the video clip on the timeline, then from the controls tab, click the insert tracker button, as indicated on the screenshot above. This will place red and green squares on the video footage. The red square highlights what you want to track, the green square tells HitFilm where to look for it. Both squares can be resized and repositioned as you need to. The faster the object is moving, the bigger you'll want the green square, but don't make it too big as it may track the wrong object by mistake.

In the screenshot below, you'll see we've zoomed in close and placed the red box around the character's left hand, with the green box placed around it. When you're ready, click the track forward button, as highlighted in the screenshot, and HitFilm will go through your clip, tracking the object it detects in the red box.

在時間軸上選擇視頻剪輯,然后從控制選項卡中單擊插入跟蹤器按鈕,如上圖截圖所示。 這將在視頻片段上放置紅色和綠色的正方形。 紅色方塊突出顯示您想要跟蹤的地方,綠色廣場告訴HitFilm在哪里尋找。 可以根據(jù)需要調(diào)整兩個正方形的大小并重新定位。 對象移動越快,你想要的綠色方塊越大,但不要太大,因為它可能會錯誤地跟蹤錯誤的對象。

在下面的屏幕截圖中,您將看到我們已經(jīng)放大了一點,并將紅色框放在角色左手邊,綠色框放置在左邊。 準備就緒后,單擊軌道前進按鈕,如屏幕截圖中突出顯示的那樣,HitFilm將通過您的剪輯,跟蹤它在紅色框中檢測到的對象。

Occasionally you may find the tracking goes off course. To correct that, find the frame where it goes wrong and drag the red square back into the correct position. You may need to adjust both squares, depending on how the tracked object changes shape in your scene.

In this particular scene, we will be repeating this process twice more, once for the right hand and once to track the target of the lightning. After that, for every tracker you have, you'll need to create a point layer. Then go through each of your trackers and from the layer drop down menu, choose one of those points. Each tracker needs its own point and I like to give them related names so they are easier to manage.

有時您可能會發(fā)現(xiàn)跟蹤不合適。 要糾正這一點,找到出錯的框架,將紅色方塊拖回正確的位置。 您可能需要調(diào)整兩個正方形,具體取決于跟蹤對象如何更改場景中的形狀。

在這個特定的場景中,我們將再次重復(fù)這個過程,一次是右手,一次跟蹤閃電的目標。 之后,對于您擁有的每個跟蹤器,您都需要創(chuàng)建一個點圖層。 然后通過每個跟蹤器,從層下拉菜單中選擇其中一個點。 每個跟蹤器需要自己的點,我喜歡給他們相關(guān)的名稱,以便他們更容易管理。

All of this sounds like it's an extremely complicated step, but it really just takes a few minutes.


Step 4: The Effect

Now we can place the lightning effect. Create a new layer, then from Layer Properties in the controls tab, set the blend mode to "Add". This makes anything that's pure black transparent, while other colors will blend seamlessly into the video layer behind.

Switch over to the Effects tab and you will find a complete list of all the effects available to you in HitFilm. Lightning can be found under "Particles & Simulation", select the effect and drag it over to the layer you just created on the timeline.


現(xiàn)在我們可以放置閃電效果。 創(chuàng)建一個新圖層,然后從控件選項卡中的圖層屬性,將混合模式設(shè)置為“添加”。 這使得任何純黑色透明,而其他顏色將無縫融合到視頻層后面。

切換到效果選項卡,您將在HitFilm中找到可用的所有效果的完整列表。 閃電可以在“粒子和模擬”下找到,選擇效果并將其拖動到您剛才在時間軸上創(chuàng)建的圖層。

The lightning is there but not in the right place. Go to the controls tab and from here we can adjust various settings to give us the effect we want. The first things we need to change are the start and end point settings. With the "use layer" setting, we can attach the lightning to the motion tracking points we set earlier.

閃電在那里,但不在正確的地方。 轉(zhuǎn)到控制選項卡,從這里我們可以調(diào)整各種設(shè)置,以給我們想要的效果。 我們需要改變的第一件事是開始和結(jié)束點設(shè)置。 使用“使用層”設(shè)置,我們可以將閃電附加到我們之前設(shè)置的運動跟蹤點。

You'll also need to set the start and end point coordinates to 0,0. This will adjust the position of the lightning, making it appear from the character's hands and striking the target character.

您還需要將起點和終點坐標設(shè)置為0,0。 這將調(diào)整閃電的位置,使其從人物的手中出現(xiàn)并觸及目標人物。

It still doesn't look quite right though, the lightning is wider at the source, even though it's further away from the camera. If we change the start width setting to 0.05 and the end width 0.15, we can fix that.

它仍然看起來不是很正確,但閃電在源頭上更寬,即使它遠離相機。 如果我們將起始寬度設(shè)置改為0.05,結(jié)束寬度為0.15,我們可以解決這個問題。

It's already much better, but we're not quite there yet. Force Lightning in Star Wars is much more direct, while our lightning effect is arcing far too much between the two characters. We can change that by adjusting the wave scale setting to 0.1.

We're almost there; we need to add several more bolts of lightning. A simple matter of using the trunks setting. It's currently on 1 but changing that to 3 gives us more. It can go up to 50 but that seems a little excessive for this particular shot.

這已經(jīng)好多了,但我們還沒有到。 星球大戰(zhàn)中的強力閃電更直接,而我們的閃電效果在兩個角色之間的電弧太大了。 我們可以通過將波形設(shè)置調(diào)整為0.1來進行更改。

我們幾乎在那里 我們需要增加幾個閃電的螺栓。 使用樹干設(shè)置的一個簡單的事情。 它目前在1,但改變?yōu)?給了我們更多。 它可以上升到50,但對于這個特定的鏡頭來說似乎有點過分。

What we want to do next is duplicate the effect, so we have lightning appear from both hands. Rather than go through all this again, simply right-click on the effect under the controls tab and select duplicate.

You'll need to adjust the start point on the new effect to the other hand so it's not quite emanating from the same position. You'll notice the lightning looks like it's an exact copy, which isn't very realistic. Fortunately, we can change the seed setting to give the lightning a different pattern.

我們接下來要做的是復(fù)制效果,所以我們有雙手閃電。 而不是再次通過所有這一切,只需右鍵單擊控件選項卡下的效果,然后選擇重復(fù)。

您需要在新效果上調(diào)整起始點,否則不會從同一位置發(fā)出。 你會注意到閃電看起來像是一個精確的副本,這不是很現(xiàn)實。 幸運的是,我們可以改變種子設(shè)置,給閃電帶來不同的模式。

And that is how you add a lightning effect to your scene. There are many more options that let you change the shape, the color, the way it's animated and so forth. Every effect available in HitFilm has a lot of options, so you can customize them to suit your scenes.

那就是如何在你的場景中添加閃電效果。 還有更多的選項可以讓您改變形狀,顏色,動畫方式等等。 HitFilm中提供的每個效果都有很多選擇,因此您可以根據(jù)場景進行自定義。

Step 5: Keyframing

The lightning effect is in our scene, but at the moment, it exists throughout the entire clip, even before we want it to be visible.



We're going to use Keyframing to hide the effect until we need it. Scrub through your clip until you find the first frame you want the effect to be completely visible. Then, under the controls tab, find the Growth setting for the lightning's end point.

我們將使用Keyframing隱藏效果,直到我們需要它。 擦過你的剪輯,直到找到你想要的效果完全可見的第一幀。 然后,在控制選項卡下,找到閃電終點的增長設(shè)置。

Click the circle next to it to enable keyframing for this setting. This will save the current value of 1.00 for this particular frame. Scrub back through the clip to where you want the effect to be invisible, set the growth value to 0. HitFilm will then automatically fill in the difference between these two keyframes, making the lightning appear to leap out of the character's hands and hitting his target. You can use keyframing on almost every setting, so your effect can be made to change as your scene progresses.


Step 6: Enhance your scene with additional Effects

We've finished all of the work on the lightning effect, but it looks a little out of place. What we can do here is enhance it with some additional effects. These will help it blend in and add a little more realism to the scene. Using much of the same process described in Step 4 and 5, we're going to add some light flares. One on the source character's hands and the other on the target character, to give the appearance of a powerful impact.

There are a lot of different types of flare but for our scene, we want to use Digital Blocks for the hands and Anamorphic Streak for the impact. We'll tie these to the left hand and target trackers, so that they move with the scene.




For this scene, I found both flares were a little too bright, so I lowered the intensity setting until I was happy with how they looked.


This only took a few minutes of extra time, but it was worth it to make the lightning feel more realistic and more powerful. To make your effects more believable take those extra few minutes and add the little details, even if it's a tiny puff of smoke. HitFilm gives you a lot of effects not just for big things like lightning or explosions, but for more subtle effects that can make your scenes feel more realistic.

這只需要幾分鐘的額外時間,但值得讓閃電感覺更逼真和更強大。 為了使您的效果更加可信,需要額外的幾分鐘,并添加一些細節(jié),即使它是一個微小的煙霧。 HitFilm不僅為閃電或爆炸等大事情帶來很多效果,而且可以讓您更輕松的效果,使您的場景更加逼真。

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