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你好,我的名字是Vadim Valiullin,我住在俄羅斯,我現(xiàn)在是師范大學第五課程的學生,學習設計。我想和大家分享一篇關于作品創(chuàng)作的文章,“CG繪畫”。這篇文章反映了我的觀點,使用軟件3ds Max 8 (2008), Mental Ray和photoshopcs3。


Hello, my name is Vadim Valiullin, I live in Russia, Ufa, and I am currently a student of the 5th course of Bashkir Pedagogical University, studying design. I want to share with you an article about the creation of the work, "CG Painting". I would like to note that this article reflects my point of view and is not an axiom. 3ds Max 8 (2008), Mental Ray and Photoshop CS3 were used in the creation of this 3D image.





I had an idea for this work one day: I thought that I had not been drawing using traditional methods for a long time, and I was thinking about how fine arts have practically passed into digital format. I remembered how I painted from life with pleasure a few years ago, and I imagined a situation in which I could take the computer out into plain air. The idea seemed pretty crazy, but funny. I thought about it constantly and eventually I imagined the scene visually; after 2 months I decided to turn the idea into 3D. So I had a distinctive idea of what do I wanted to achieve at the end; there was no need to jot down the concept or a sketch, I used only my imagination. It took about 1.5 months to complete the work, all done in my free time (Fig.01)

圖 01





This work is not complicated in terms of modelling; all the models are rather simple and were made from primitives and splines with Editable Poly. Using the rich collection of Editable Poly tools I have not met any serious problems in modelling. At the same time, with modelling, I did the texturing and shading, but I will tell you about that later. In my opinion, we have an opportunity to control and correct details and not to waste time, to get rid of problems and to use recourses more efficiently. At the beginning, we should keep to the shapes and the peculiarities of the surfaces of the objects. If it is a wooden board we should curve the geometry, because ideal and equal boards do not exist. Also, the chamfers will have different thicknesses and irregularities. Such small, and at first sight imperceptible distortions of geometry will give a more natural feel to the work. Here are some screenshots of the geometry of the wood (Fig.02). There is nothing difficult in the modelling of these objects so I will not pay too much attention to it here.

圖 02




If it is necessary to model metal then do not forget that metal usually curves, it does not break and burst like wood and so it would be good to make some deviations away from symmetry and ideal forms when poly modelling. It is also necessary to remove chamfers on metal objects or it will be difficult to achieve normal highlights, despite even the most advanced shaders. If we have to model some all- metal objects, the more differences we have, the better (but it is not good for advertising visualisation). Also, the cast objects take more numbers of faces or they will look rather rough, like forged products, so the Mesh Smooth tool is therefore necessary, especially when they are visible from a close distance (Fig.03).

圖 03




As for the geometry of plastic, it will be better to stay equal and only to add chamfers (plastic is more round on the corners than metal) because plastic will burst and will not curve and distort. Moreover, plastic is rather flat and it is practically impossible to notice changes; the abrasions we can imitate with shaders. The wire in some places is not ideal, some objects are not whole and somewhere it would be possible to save faces. My aim was to do everything fast and not to use too many faces. In Fig.04 we can see that sharp and direct lines reflect the shape of plastic products.

圖 04




I modelled the paint box looking at photos; I had to think up some of the elements because of the absence of certain references. Nevertheless, I tried to make it all true. I then supplied the paint box with the monitor, and drew a preliminary sketch as a texture on the screen (Fig.05).

圖 05




It was necessary to fill the paint box with small things, so I will tell you about the ideological components and design of some of the nonexistent objects. Certainly, I thought about their design myself, looking at real-life objects. It was simple to do it with the paint-box, the monitor, the system block, etc.; I based them on existing products but replaced some brands so as not to advertise anybody (I'll tell you about rebranding later).




I decided to make a palette; I didn't want it to be your usual palette, but CG. I therefore decided to mix a graphics tablet with a palette used for traditional painting. It is always easier to model when the sample is near and we can touch it and look at it during doubtful moments. Basically, there are two kinds of palettes: rectangular and oval. It is not worth mixing rectangular forms of a tablet with an oval palette; everything should be harmonious and convincing. I therefore took the rectangular palette as a base; I did the same with the brush (Fig.06).





Then it was the turn of the palette knife, which is used for mixing colour in traditional painting and for applying oils to canvas. I decided to take the form of the Photoshop tools icons as a basis for the form of my palette knives, such as: Sharpen tool, Blur tool and Smudge tool (Fig.07). At the same time I modelled and textured a set of small things for the subsequent filling of empty spaces. All textures of wood on the handles of the palette knives have different shaders and mapping; the brushes are the same. This promotes the best perception of the work. My rule is not to use full copies of objects in one stage if they will be seen from one shot and if it is not necessary for the task.

圖 07


下一階段是油漆,水粉和油。我決定在CMYK(打印)和RGB (monitor display)的基礎上創(chuàng)建它們。為顏料制作紋理,我替換了所有的顏色,并添加了相應的銘文(圖08)。接下來,我想說的是,盒子上的所有倒角都是通過紋理來分離的。在一些地方,我用Photoshop把它們畫出來,因為它能讓工作看起來更有說服力。


The next stage was the paints - gouache and oil. I decided to make them on the basis of CMYK (for print) and RGB (monitor display). Making textures for the paints I replaced all colours and added corresponding inscriptions (Fig.08). Moving forward, I would like to say that all chamfers on the boxes with paints were isolated by texture. In some places I drew them in Photoshop, as it helped make the work look more convincing.





I designed water colour paints, too, taking the PANTONE colour system as a basis for these. Unfortunately, I couldn't think up anything logical for the solvent and did not want to go into a complete fantasy, so I went for the most simple and obvious solution and added "For digital artworks" - not specifying anything in particular (Fig.09).





Using my modelled brushes, paints, small things, etc., I began to manually fill the paint box with them. It was possible to use a reactor or a scatter for this purpose, but then there would not have been the full control over the position of each object that I wanted, and as a result everything would have had to be corrected. I spent a lot of time filling my paint box, but at least I was able to control the position of each object. In order to the objects look more natural, I tried to do it so that the copies of objects did not lie under a corner or on the same side as the viewers. I paid special attention to this stage of the artwork, knowing that the final result would depend on how harmoniously I scattered all objects (Fig.10).

圖 10




When paint box had been filled, I started the configurations of larger objects. I also changed trademarks and names on visible objects not to be engaged in advertising. All trademarks and names are fictional (Fig.11).


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